Monday, August 29, 2011

Christmas Season

This is my very first album with lot of christmas tree captured from different locations, Hotel, mall, and shops. Such a good experienced by shooting christmas tree, it brought me a lot of joyful and happiness whenever I view this album. You can see a different things from camera, trust me, it is a new experience ever! Again, I would like to thanks to my buddy, Chew Lian who invited me to shoot christmas tree and went out continuously 3 days just to hunt "trees".

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

T&T Prawn Mee Shop

絕對不可錯過已有60年歷史的 T&T 蝦麵之家. 擁有多種選擇, 而且湯味濃, 雖然咸了點, 可是大部分檳城人都口味重. 料還可以自己加, 想吃什麼就什麼.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nandos @ Gurney Plaza

Whao~ A delicious chicken with its amazing sauce - NANDOS!!!
Yea, no kidding, if you never eat nandos, you should try at least once in your life. Usually, I will order their quarter chicken with 2 sidelines (RM15.90) & my favourite bottomless ice lemon tea (RM5.90).

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kemunting Lake View Restaurant

A place that selling fresh water fishes - Kemunting Lake View Restaurant @ Karangan. The reason that I love this place is just simply because of the fishes are very very fresh, especially pak soh gong.

This is my 4th visit, kinda far, if you are depart from Penang island, driving 90-100km/h, it might takes around 1 hour 20 mins. But let me tell you, IT'S WORTH!!! You definitely will have an unforgettable food trip. 

Usually I will "da pao" duck before I go Kemunting, it is allowed to bring your own food. As many of us know that Lunas famous of duck, so you should not miss it!!!
There are 2 shops quite famous in Lunas:
First, Tan Kee - famous of sweet and sour duck
Second, Hun Tai - famous of pan mee and pei pa duck. (claypot mee not bad too)
you might ignore a hawker in lunas market kopitiam which is next to food court, their pei pa duck is delicious!!! Roast pork is crispy as well. (for sure, i will further introduce it on my next post for my Kulim trip during Raya week).

I personally like Lunas market pei pa duck than Hun Tai due to Hun Tai is more expensive, lesser meat. A little hints for you, if you are eating duck, roast pork in Lunas market, you may enjoy their free bottomless herbs drink (a.k.a 涼茶). 

Well, you may spend RM1 get a fish feed for those fishy before you eat them...(cruel, right? But I bet you might visit them once again just to fill your stomach.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vintage Bulgaria Restaurant & Bar, Penang

Vintage Bulgaria restaurant & bar is owned by a Bulgarian family living in Penang. The restaurant decoration is followed by bulgarian style and the food price are fair and delicious. It's recommended to reserve during festival season. Sometimes, it is crowded and takes time to serve for your food. I had been to this restaurant for 4 times, each time also giving me surprise. 

Victoria Station Restaurant, Penang

Victoria Station Restaurant also known as "Train Restaurant". It is located in Bayan Baru and  selling western food and also turkey. For few years back, I keep on asking people where can I get turkey for christmas, now i know that victoria is selling. Not sure about the price and taste, but I wish I could try it.

This is the first time i had my dinner in Victoria Station, the place consider high class and special, especially when I sit in "train". The foods disappoint me as we ordered seafood chowder but the prawn and fish are not fresh. The steak quite 'hard' and I did not feel it is delicious. I think the only thing that will attract me to step into this restaurant should be the turkey itself.

Seafood Chowder:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Toys Collection

There are few toys collection which make me proud of them. Part of them could be categorized as childhood memory as well. A well known Disney cartoon - Donald Duck, japanese comic - Doraemon, famous game series - Final Fantasy, charlie brown - Snoopy, and one of the toy - Mr Bombastic which not really popular in Malaysia but i love its cool face and  spec.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Chicago Rib House

Chicago Rib House - This place is not difficult to find, as long as you know how to get to Gurney Plaza, you will be able to get there. It is located at ground floor, outside new wing which is next to Dome. The food portion are big and price is most likely same as chilis, it is worth for a try!

If your friend is going to celebrate birthday for you, you may have a visit to this place. As this place is far better compare to TGIF for a birthday girl or guy. There is not required to use a chili sauce or ketchup as MIC and stand on chair to sing and you definitely need not to worry will become an attraction. 

新金漢海鮮飯店 - Sin Kim Han Seafood Restaurant

I believe not much of people will purposely go to Batu Maung for "zhu char" as dinner with friends or family. It is really far from town and this seafood restaurant is located somewhere below the flat, it is not easy to discovered if you are not familiar with this area. The foods are really impressed me and price are fair.

相信沒什麼人會特地跟家人或朋友拜訪Batu Maung的新金漢海鮮飯店吃煮炒. 它位於一個比較隱蔽的地點, 不熟悉這一區的人可能不會發現它就在租屋樓下. 這些食物給我的印象非常深刻, 味道很好, 價錢也不貴.

Yam Basket (芋泥): 
評語: 很多飯店都不容易吃到, 因為製作過程很麻煩. 通常在婚宴裡會出現.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

錢幣收藏 - Money Collections

These are part of my money collections along the years...Most of them are antique, the coin can be seen in here are start from the earliest year 1891, 1904, 1920 and 1921:

從小開始收藏的部分錢幣, 大部分已經是古董了. 當中可以看到最早的1891年, 1904年, 1920年以及1921年的硬幣:

Malaysia RM5: 

童年 - Childhood

什麼是童年?? 是小時候的記憶? 快樂的? 悲傷的? 又或者是玩具呢?
對不同的人而言, 童年有不同的含意.
有人從小父母離異, 而他的童年里根本沒有快樂而言, 所以他不想去喚醒自己的童年.
有些小孩子很幸福, 從一出世就有家庭溫暖, 三餐不必擔憂, 要甚麼玩具有甚麼玩具.
相對地, 在我們周圍也可能會有一些小孩子在童年時連三餐都吃不飽, 沒有玩具, 甚至連要參加小六畢業旅行也沒錢, 或許曾經某部分的小孩子都被同學們取笑.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Sushi King

Sushi King於1995年開始創辦, 現在已超過60間分行. 偶爾會舉行一些大胃王比賽或Bonanza, 也就是說所有屬於飯類的壽司一概RM2. 而持有member card的顧客一律discount 10%. 它的壽司花樣不多, 可是價錢就過得去 (blue colour plate = RM2; beige colour plate = RM3; pink colour plate = RM4; red colour plate = RM5; purple colour plate = RM6). 

Sakana Fry:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Umaiya Japanese Buffet

要在檳城尋找日本餐一定比不上KL來得多, 朋友常常都叫我去KL一定要去Umaiya吃它的buffet. 終於有機會讓我去到KL, Umaiya絕對不能錯過啦~

出發前一星期就打電話去Damansara Utama訂桌, 結果滿了. 服務生很親切的叫我打去Damansara Perdana, 還好皇天不負有心人, 訂到了. 一個人RM48. Buffet時間是1130am - 230pm, 2pm last order.
當天我們也不算吃了很多, 除了不小心叫錯了一碗麵以外, 其它都很滿意, 尤其是grilled beef with spring onion. 牛肉很juicy, 很美味, 簡直是人間極品!


賣湯圓, 賣湯圓, 吃了我的湯圓好過年... 一首著名的名謠提醒人們冬至又來臨了. 每一年的12月22至23日, 家家戶戶都會忙著搓湯圓, 煮湯圓來迎接冬至的來臨. 湯圓代表了團團圓圓的含意. 民間也有個傳說, 吃過湯圓就添增一歲, 所以父母都會讓小孩吃湯圓.

在檳城的newlane有一間香港湯圓店, 裡面賣了很多種不同湯底的湯圓, 有桂花, 有豆漿等...
價錢是RM3.50, 喜歡湯圓的朋友不需要等到一年一度的冬至都可以嘗道到湯圓的美味~

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rayman Raving Rabbid

Rayman Raving Rabbid (a.k.a 朋友口中的siao rabbid). 不懂何時開始, 我喜歡上這個無厘頭, 赤著身體的rabbid. 這一切都要多得我一個外星人朋友, 是她介紹我這可愛的rabbid, 也是她介紹我rabbid的遊戲等. 

記得我印象最深刻的video是2只笨蛋rabbid意外進到手推車裡, 無論重覆多少次, 眼看著2只一模一樣的rabbid不停的bwaaaahhh bwaaahhhh喊, 真的很搞笑. 於是, 我狠下心來買了一盒裡面裝有30只不同服飾的rabbid.

Louis Cafe, Penang

第一次在這一間名為louis cafe的西餐店用餐, 裡面的裝潢讓人感覺很寧靜, 舒服, 很有家的感覺.

Yeng Keng Hotel - 燕京旅社

燕京旅社 - 一個位於檳城世界古蹟遺產的中心點, chulia street. 一個吸引外國旅客的旅社, 晚上也聚集了一群人在裡面喝酒,聊天,用餐. 以外國人居多. 這一棟建築一共有兩層樓, 第一層充滿了懷舊氣息, 第二層則屬於懷舊和時代感合併的設計, 後院則有停車場和泳池. 由於招待處不允許客人在大廳拍照, 所以唯有從後院, 二樓拍攝以及一些食物介紹.