Monday, August 8, 2011

新金漢海鮮飯店 - Sin Kim Han Seafood Restaurant

I believe not much of people will purposely go to Batu Maung for "zhu char" as dinner with friends or family. It is really far from town and this seafood restaurant is located somewhere below the flat, it is not easy to discovered if you are not familiar with this area. The foods are really impressed me and price are fair.

相信沒什麼人會特地跟家人或朋友拜訪Batu Maung的新金漢海鮮飯店吃煮炒. 它位於一個比較隱蔽的地點, 不熟悉這一區的人可能不會發現它就在租屋樓下. 這些食物給我的印象非常深刻, 味道很好, 價錢也不貴.

Yam Basket (芋泥): 
評語: 很多飯店都不容易吃到, 因為製作過程很麻煩. 通常在婚宴裡會出現.
Pi Pa Chicken (琵琶雞):
評語: 看個人口味, 我並不是很喜歡它的醬那種味道, 可是有人卻覺得很特別, 好吃.

Onion Omelette (洋蔥炒蛋):
評語: 普通.

Curry Fish Head (咖哩魚頭):
評語: 從很多foodblog都會看到人說它的gulai好吃, 可是一試之後, 我個人認為我家對面的金馬倫咖啡店的gulai好吃很多.

Claypot Taufu (沙褒豆腐):
評語: 很香, 豆腐很滑, 很不錯的一道菜.

Sweet & Sour Chicken (酸梅雞):
評語: 每一次去都會點, 炸得很酥, 非常可口.

Sin Kim Han Seafood Restaurant,
Lintang Batu Maung 4,
Batu Maung, Penang.
(Behind OCBC bank, 5 storey flat)
Closed on Tuesday

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