Monday, September 26, 2011

Delicious, Straits Quay @ Penang

Delicious, finally opened in Penang island. I was longing for it to open in Penang for few years after I first tried at Mid Valley, KL. Delicious started their first branch in 1 Utama shopping mall in year 2004 and finally in year 2011 May, they opened in Strait Quay, Penang.

It gives me a very comfortable feeling with their white colour themed as an elegant cafe. White colour, bird cage as lamp and tree with branches as part of their renovation are always their trademark. Not only the design is good but also their food and dessert are really 'DELICIOUS'.

My friend and I ordered spaghetti cabornara, spaghetti mushroom mascarpone, earl grey tea, and peace & orange smoothie. We spent total RM79.58 for our brunch in Delicious.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Restoran Yosenabe, Penang

Restoran Yosenabe, a Japanese steamboat shop located in Sungai Nibong, Penang. Friend always saying their steamboat is delicious and before i went there, I did some research through food blogs, rating quite good. Therefore, I put a high hope on it as this is the very first time I try Japanese steamboat in my life. I reached there about 7.10pm on Thursday and spent almost 90 mins for dine-in, including us there are total 8 customers and the shop still very empty. So, I'm no sure whether people going on weekend need to do reservation?

The specialty for Japanese steamboat is having the pot individually. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nancy's Kitchen, Melaka

Nancy's kitchen is a Peranakan restaurant in Melaka that located at Jonker street. Even though this shop has 2 level but still full of people during lunch time. There are lots of baba & nyonya picture and renovation in this shop.

At first we just wanted to try nyonya popiah and pai tee in this shop. However, since it is almost lunch time and we saw a lot of nyonya dishes from their menu. At the end we ordered total 4 dishes, 1 steam rice and 1 cendol as our lunch. Frankly speaking, I will not rate Nancy's kitchen as delicious, but it is just normal flavour to me.

Pai Tee (5 pcs) - RM4.50:

Nyonya Popiah - RM3.00:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Malacca Chicken Rice Ball - 馬六甲雞飯粒

Chicken rice ball, a thing that MUST eat in Malacca. There are 3 famous chicken rice shop in Jonker Street, Malacca which is Famosa chicken rice ball, Hoe Kee and Chung Wah coffee shop. My Malacca friend and those visited Malacca adviced me not to visit Famosa chicken rice ball as the taste to them is just so-so. Therefore, I tried Hoe Kee and Chung Wah chicken rice. For my opinion, Chung Wah is the best chicken rice ball in Malacca. 

Let me introduce Hor Kee chicken rice first. This shop is just same row with "san shu gong" (三叔公) souvenir shop, open at 9.30am. Advisable to be there around 9.15am without queuing. My experienced told me that every shop in Jonker street will need to queue unless the taste is really awful.

Monday, September 19, 2011

一個從北到南的美食之旅 - Day 3

今天, 也是我們旅程的最後一天, 7.30am大家起床準備後就出門. 我們的早餐就決定在Sri Ampai的添華茶室吃板面, 據說它的湯頭很甜. 大約15分鐘的車程我們就到達目的地, 我們點了干和湯的板面, 捏, 粗, 幼都點滿了, 還加了2籠點心. 面真的非常大碗...

一個從北到南的美食之旅 - Day 2


7.30am出門到中華海南雞飯, 結果門沒開, 原來是8.30am才開店 (被人的foodblog騙了). 9am再次去到, 門開了, 而且在我們進入後, 他們就關門因為滿桌了. 原來排長龍的原因是每當滿桌時, 老闆就會把門拉上. 好香好軟的雞飯裡, 原本朋友說吃2粒就好, 結果雞飯粒的魔力讓我們叫多了2碟 (10粒) 來吃.

一個從北到南的美食之旅 - Day 1

9月16日, Malaysia Day. 原本2星期前和朋友計畫的Hatyai行程, 因為假期的關係, 住宿滿了, 所以我們很快的把行程編排到KL, Melaka. 想不到還未到半年的時間, 我又再一次踏入繁忙都市KL和世界遺產之一的Melaka. 和朋友迅速了搜索了一些馬六甲美食後, 我就安排行程, 大部分都是之前去過的地方.

9月16日: 0450am, 從我家開始向Ipoh出發, 7am到達Ipoh. 第一站為富山點心, 這一次進到富山, 雖然樓下坐滿了人, 可是2樓還很空, 所以我自以為不是大日子就不會滿座, 可是我錯了, 大約7.20am整個富山都坐滿了人. 我們2人總共點了6碟點心, 包括排骨, 燒賣, 蛋撻, 炸芋頭, 胡椒燒賣和糯米炒飯,還有一壺獨樹香. 糯米炒飯是我們都認同特別也好吃的一種. 沒有默契的我們點了2個蛋撻和2個燒買, 結果有點吃太飽的感覺.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lunas Duck Rice

After a long break during Raya, I totally forget about Lunas post as promised in previously for more detail of duck rice in Lunas. I was totally visited 2 duck rice shops in Lunas which are Tan Kee and Roast Master Village in Lunas market.

Tan Kee - they selling duck porridge, duck / chicken, roast pork, but the most famous should be sweet and sour duck:

Tan Kee Roast Duck
Jalan Raya, 
09600 Lunas, Kedah.
Tel: 604-484 3119

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hatyai Trip - 合艾之旅, Part 2

Second in Hatyai, our activity in Hatyai are shopping and food hunting. Therefore, it is norm. that we eat a lot in Hatyai.

Butter bread, fried mua chee, pork leg rice:

Hatyai Trip - 合艾之旅, Part 1

This is the first time I went to Hatyai with friends, although it is just 2D1N, we are still enjoyed. Enjoy with? Of course with their low prices of stock, massage, and foods.

Due to last minute decision, all 4 stars hotel in Hatyai was fully booked. Thus, we booked a 3 stars hotel, Diamond hotel. RM95 for 2 person a room and van fare from swiss travel, Penang is RM56 (2 ways). 

My trip started on 18 June 2011 end on 19 June 2011. The van came to my apartment to pick me up at 5am and we departed Penang at 5.30am, reached custom at 9am, 10am reached Hatyai town and checked in. This is first time hotel keep our passport, you may get it back by pay 500 baht. We decided not to take it back as limited budget but it's pretty unsecured though. First time, really first time stayed in a hotel with cockroaches and warm air-cond.
Friends always said: impossible to get worst taste tomyam in Thailand. This statement is not true. Our first meal is horrible...can you imagine a sweet tomyam soup with smelly meatball. This meal cost 4 of us 280 baht which is RM28. I believe I can get a better and delicious breakfast with this RM28 in Malaysia.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Khun De Thai Restaurant, Penang

I believe Thai food is one of the favorite food for most of the Malaysian, people love its sour and spicy taste of Tom Yam. Khun De Thai Restaurant is a newly opened Thai Food in Batu Lanchang area which near to my housing area, parking easy, delicious food is the major points that attracted people. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yam Rice, 芋頭飯

Today, I'm gonna introduce yam rice from 2 locations, errm...what I meant is yam rice with salted soup. It's hard to get a delicious yam rice in Penang island, the worst yam rice I had before was located at Sungai Pinang foodcourt, the soup are terrible, it is smelly!

So far I had tasted T.Y.Y coffee shop Yam Rice @ Sungai Ara, Sentosa Yam Rice @ butterworth, IBM Yam Rice @ Bukit Mertajam and Selasih Yam Rice @ Kulim. The best yam rice I will vote IBM, followed by Selasih and Sentosa. For the first 3 yam rice I vote, the soup is not only salted but also sour. Let's see the photo:

IBM yam rice @ BM:

Yam Rice,
Jalan Murthy
GPS Coordiates: N5 21.690 E100 27.767

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Foh San Restaurant, Ipoh

Foh San, I'm coming. This is my 4th visits to Ipoh. My main target is always dim sum, dim sum and dim sum...or maybe I can say food, food and food as I don't see any other entertainments in Ipoh except foods.
From my previous experienced, I realized that If I reach Foh San after 8.30am, it will definitely full house, so what did I plan this time? Haha~ I plan to overnight in Ipoh as I do not want to wake up early and drive along the way from Penang to Ipoh, so based on the information I found, it stated Foh San operation hour from 6.30am - 3.30pm. So, I will be there around 7am+, surely I can get table, right?

Of course nope!!! By 7.20am I reached Foh San, my goodness! Again full house and people are queuing for seat (next time I better reach before 7am). Therefore, my friend and I was waiting for seat. Luckily we managed to get table after 20 mins time. For a big restaurant like Foh San, they should implement queue number system which do not have to let people spend so much time to hunt for a table and can enjoy the first come first serve service.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sun Seng Fatt, Ipoh

Sun Seng Fatt (新成發), 我的新大陸, 之前來怡保完全忽略了咖哩河粉的存在. 這一次真的讓我大開眼界了. 一直都以為怡保出名清湯腩, 牛腩河, 但是原來咖哩也很好吃. 有干咖哩也有咖哩湯的, 當然我們叫了人人所推薦的咖哩河粉, 在沒有特別order下, Sun Seng Fatt為我們上了一碗雞絲咖哩河粉和一碗叉燒咖哩河粉. 它咖哩的味道和我之前在檳城吃過的咖哩魚頭味道最接近, 感覺很好吃,蝦也很新鮮, 份量也不大, 一碗RM4, 保證吃完後可以再吃一碗嫩滑的豆腐花.

Onn Kee Bean Sprout Chicken, Ipoh

No doubt, Ipoh have 2 famous competitors of Bean Sprout Chicken, one of them is Onn Kee, another one is Lou Wong, their shop is just next to each other. With my own preference and friends recommendation, I personally decided to have my dinner at Onn Kei. 

According to one of my friend, she said Onn Kei now owned total 4 shops at Jalan Yau Tet Sin. But still, it's pretty crowded and almost everyone are standing outside the shop to hunt for seat. I highly suspected it is because of public holiday. I'm lucky, as I found a couple willing to share table with us but the whole meal spent me about 90 mins to finished. The thing that I can't accept is they forced us to order minimum half chicken and the portion is too big if only for two person. But still, we able to finished it la...(grow fatter after the food trip)

A small hint: the chicken sauce is nice, by pouring it on rice is ichiban!

Funny Mountain Soya Bean

假期, 怡保到處充滿了人群, 無論你是尋找車位或是吃都得要靠運氣和耐心排隊, 特別在這個酷熱的下午, 看到到處都是人龍還真的有點想放棄, 可是想到只有好吃的東西才會有人龍, 所以最後還是決定撐著雨傘在炎熱的太陽下排隊買 "奇峰" 豆腐花和豆水. 它, 只有售賣白糖豆腐花, 所以不要像我一樣去點黑糖的.

Big Tree Foot, Ipoh (Yong Tau Foo)

A famous deep fried food from Ipoh, Big Tree Foot, many people called it as "Dai Shu Ha", but bloggers usually called it as "Dai Shu Geok" and the board itself stated "Dai Shu Tao".

Although many parking lot and a big car park provided but parking still full and crowded. Hearsay the coffee shop near to Dai Shu Geok is owned by same owner but the deep fried foods not much choices compared to the old shop. However, due to crowded and public holiday, I forced to try the coffee shop deep fried stuff. Oh Yeah, don't forget to order Ice Kacang drinks (紅豆冰), it's special and nice!

This is the old shop photo: