Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Foh San Restaurant, Ipoh

Foh San, I'm coming. This is my 4th visits to Ipoh. My main target is always dim sum, dim sum and dim sum...or maybe I can say food, food and food as I don't see any other entertainments in Ipoh except foods.
From my previous experienced, I realized that If I reach Foh San after 8.30am, it will definitely full house, so what did I plan this time? Haha~ I plan to overnight in Ipoh as I do not want to wake up early and drive along the way from Penang to Ipoh, so based on the information I found, it stated Foh San operation hour from 6.30am - 3.30pm. So, I will be there around 7am+, surely I can get table, right?

Of course nope!!! By 7.20am I reached Foh San, my goodness! Again full house and people are queuing for seat (next time I better reach before 7am). Therefore, my friend and I was waiting for seat. Luckily we managed to get table after 20 mins time. For a big restaurant like Foh San, they should implement queue number system which do not have to let people spend so much time to hunt for a table and can enjoy the first come first serve service.
Ready your eyes for delicious dim sum ya.

Claypot Porridge (褒仔生滾粥):

This should be sweet and sour ribs:

Steamed Cheong Fun (蒸腸粉) - Not really like it:

Cha Siew Pau (蜜汁叉燒包):

Prawn Dumpling (富山蝦餃王):

Siew Mai (燒賣):

Black Pepper Siew Mai (黑椒燒賣) - A lot of black pepper, quite spicy:

Steam Beancurd Roll (腐皮鮮竹卷):

Fried Glutinous Rice (生炒糯米飯) - My favourite:

Dumpling (餃子) - Not nice:

Fried Prawn Roll (炸蝦卷):

Yam Pastry (松化炸芋卷) - The yam very nice, like it so much:




Foh San Restaurant
51, Jalan Leong Sin Nam, 
30300 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: 605-254 0308 
Operation Hour: 6.30am - 3.30pm
Closed on Tuesday

For more detail: http://www.fohsan.com.my/index.html


  1. haha~ that's the reason why I go ipoh more than 4 times but never go for dim sum coz i not really like long queue.. :P

  2. i have to try my luck for this time, see still need to q?
